Adjusting System Restore disc usage in Vista

By Detector | 25 April 2008

Windows System Restore in XP saves me several times. I notice that it allocates far too much of the drive, however. In Windows XP there is a slider-bar to adjust the amount of disk space used by System Restore. When I switch to Vista I noticed that Vista doesn’t have that option as visual tool, but it has command line which will do the same job if you add the right parameters. The command line is:

vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=[drive]: /for=[drive]: /maxsize=[size]

For example, if you want to limit System Restore to 2GB on the drive C:, use:

vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=C: /for=C: /maxsize=2GB

If you search Google for tool for Adjusting System Restore in Vista, you will notice that someone written a batch file to simplify the process of adjusting System Restore disc usage in Vista. The tool name is “ChangeVistaRestoreSize” and you can download that tool HERE.

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