How to make money online with an

By Detector | 03 April 2008 is the world’s largest online retailer. They have specific program which allows you to share their profits. The Amazon Associate Program (Amazon marketing program) compensates consumers for referring customers to You link your website to and earn a fee for sales, as an affiliate. If you have a website or blog, this is a big opportunity for you to earn extra money. Here is the short tutorial how you register and profit from e-commerce site:

1. You can find details for Amazon marketing program by visiting Amazon Associates. This program offering website owners the opportunity to redirecting customers to with special links which you put on your site, provided by Amazon

2. You can find in Current Associates page how some of the affiliates using the program on their websites. There is several linking options offered by which you can review on this page.

3. Research “Performance Fee Structure”. This solution offers a referral rate of 4 to 10 percent based on the total number of items shipped from Amazon.

4. Register to Amazon marketing program. Registration on this program requires information about your website, checking account information for payment from and federal tax identification information, if applicable.

5. After registration, you can select the kind of link you want to add to your website. You select specific products, choose recommended products, or choose keywords and categories.

6. You can choose one of two fee structures. The first structure allows you to earn higher fees as you generate increasing numbers of referrals. Second – Classic Free Structure allows you to earn with selling Amazon products.

7. You must create and post your links to with the Build Links tool in Associates Central. With that, you can begin tracking traffic and earnings in reports that are updated daily.

Don’t hesitate, join to this program and earn money! Here is the link:

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