SEO Tip: What is cloaking and why you should avoid cloaking?

By Detector | 16 July 2008

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important to the success of a website. But, good SEO need time and many webmasters don’t want to invest the time and work that’s necessary to optimize a site. Some of them use cloaking software to get their websites listed on search engines. Cloaking is software which creates hundreds of web pages that are optimized for a special search term so that search engine spiders get the impression that the website contains a lot of relevant information about a special topic. Simple search on Google will confirm that cloaking obviously works.

But the question is: Does this mean that you should use it for YOUR web pages? The truth is that with cloaking you site will be on top search a very little time, and it is very risky if Google or other search engine notice cloaking site. Google has a clear statement about cloaking: “Don’t deceive your users or present different content to search engines than you display to users, which is commonly referred to as cloaking.”

That means that most of websites that use cloaking are getting banned from Google and other search engines sooner or later – just a question of time. If you have long term plans with your site – avoid cloaking.

Cloaking is something you should be aware of, but avoid using for long term results of SEO.

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