Google Chrome For Linux – in Development

By Detector | 03 September 2008

Google already release beta version of the new Google browser called Chrome, but only Windows XP and Vista versions. According to authors, Google Chrome for Linux is in development and a team of engineers is working hard to bring it to you as soon as possible. There is already well positioned web browser on Linux systems Firefox, but new philosophies and competition is always good for us, end users. It will be good, Linux version to be native linux application, not under Wine like Google Picasa.

Download windows version here.

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2 Responses to “Google Chrome For Linux – in Development”

  1. Anonymous says:

    This is start of new browsers war, like IE and Netscape in the past.

  2. evil1dwk says:

    Uh, read about what happened to netscape after their collapse. We are still in the same browser war. Although I don’t see how this would be war. I’d call it more fair competition. Considering firefox or chrome for that matter aren’t trying to include themselves as part of the operating system in order to force out competition.

    “It will be good, Linux version to be native linux application, not under Wine like Google Picasa.”

    This sentence really doesn’t make sense. First off a Linux version would by definition be native to linux and not run under wine. I think you meant, “It will be good to have a linux version unlike Google Picasa that has to run under wine,” or something like that. You are exactly right though. I’d like to see the full line of google applications become native to linux. I just haven’t been impressed with chrome thus far. I’d be more than willing to give it a try on any of my linux boxes though.


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