Google Chrome for Mac and Linux

By Detector | 16 September 2008

While the public still waiting for Google to release an official version for Mac and Linux of Google Chrome, developers from CodeWeavers did’t wait. They have created a Linux and Mac port of Google Chrome and released it for free!

It is called Crossover Chromium and it is available for download for Mac as .dmg file and Ubuntu, RedHat, SuSe as standard Linux packages.


(screen shot – Linux)

(screen shot – Mac OS)

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2 Responses to “Google Chrome for Mac and Linux”

  1. film fan says:

    i keep learning about more and more little advantages and quirks with Chrome, with security, for example; now if only they would take care of it’s cookie management glitches…

  2. Lapa37 says:

    I like the chrome except for not having the page rank and auto fill. I like the layout of your blog easy to navigate and looks nice to.


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