Internet Explorer security alert – is this the end of IE era?

By Detector | 16 December 2008

Users of the world’s most common web browser have been advised to switch to a rival until a serious security flaw has been fixed – was announced at today’s BBC NEWS (16.12.2008)

As internet experts say: Internet Explorer is used by the vast majority of the world’s computer users and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer could allow criminals to take control of people’s computers and steal their passwords. Microsoft says it has detected attacks against version seven (7) of the browser, but Microsoft warned that other versions were also potentially vulnerable.

While Microsoft investigates the problem and preparing an emergency software patch to resolve it, Internet Explorer users have been advice of the experts to choose another browser for their internet activities.

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3 Responses to “Internet Explorer security alert – is this the end of IE era?”

  1. TB says:

    Even though the figures showed IE was still the overwhelming “favorite,” it seemed that a lot of people were already heading in the Firefox direction. This security issue may have just ended its reign. All the promises of the great new IE with privacy mode and all these other ways to ensure our safety just shot itself in the proverbial foot.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Maybe I am too cynical, but could this just be a stunt to sell more antivirus software this coming Xmas? When I read about this in the paper the other day, on the next page was a full page ad for an antivirus software, coincidence?

    Link to Microsoft Hosted Exchange

  3. SmortyOp says:

    Interesting thinking. Maybe you are right.


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