Newbie Ubuntu Tips: How to grab your screenshot with a keyboard shortcut or with default capture tool

By Detector | 16 December 2008

If you want to save you current screnshot in Ubuntu there is a very easy way to do that. Just press PrintScreen (PrtSc) key on your keyboard and Screenshot dialog will appear for locations to saving your screen. Other way is more for advanced users.

The more advanced sreenshot tool is using the Gnome Screenshot, located in Applications → Accesories → Take Screenhots.

It is default screen capture tool in Ubuntu. You can capture whole desktop or the current opened window, but if you choose window only capture, set up a delay in few seconds becouse the screenshot dialog will be captured too. This is very useful for capturing window as a examples for tutorials, wanted help etc..

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2 Responses to “Newbie Ubuntu Tips: How to grab your screenshot with a keyboard shortcut or with default capture tool”

  1. Vadi says:

    If you take screenshots frequenty, see gscrot – advanced screenshot app, allows you to select a portion of screen (with zoom, if you want to be pixel perfect), draw on the screenshot, and even upload it right away.

  2. Lovely ideas, thanks to whoever thought of it and for showing the initiative to think of it


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