Linux tip: How to run multiple X sessions

By Detector | 13 January 2009

If you share your Linux box with someone and you are sick of continually logging in and out, or you just need multiple X sessions for your work, use this short tutorial. Assuming that your computer starts in graphical mode (runlevel 5), by simultaneously pressing the keys Control+Alt+F1 – you will get a login prompt. Insert your login and password and then execute:

startx — :1

to get into your graphical environment. To go back to the previous user session, press Ctrl+Alt+F7, while to get yours back press Ctrl+Alt+F8.

You can repeat this trick: the keys F1 to F6 identify six console sessions, while F7 to F12 identify six X sessions.

Although this is true in most cases, different distributions can implement this feature in a different way.

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One Response to “Linux tip: How to run multiple X sessions”

  1. Pawpaw Young says:

    Great tip, thank you very much.


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