YaKuake terminal emulator

By Detector | 23 January 2009

Do you remember the time when we are playing Quake, Unreal, Half Life or a similar FPS shooting games, and, with pressing the button (usually “~” – button left of the number 1), opening a console? In that time, in the midst of game, we fast type commands that would trigger certain cheats or change the parameters of the game, and then we returned to play.

Your today’s Linux downloads can be richer if you download a program that works in a similar way. Yakuake is the terminal emulator for Linux KDE working environment, and it work exactly the way described above.

If you frequently use the command line for everyday activities, you will surely like Yakuake, primarily because of the speed of response (permanently loaded in the background, so there is no waiting to fire up the terminal), and also cool effects for observer – Linux user.

Visit the official web site YaKuake terminal emulator.

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