LG Arena – Two Millions in One Month

By Detector | 17 April 2009

Although most manufacturers in this quarter recorded weak sales results and the forecast does not give reason for optimism, good news came from the LG. LG company announced that in one month sold a total of two million copies of mobile phones KM900 Arena.

Arena is in a short time, from middle March, until today, became the best selling mobile phone from LG. Until this success the best selling model from LG was the Chocolate which has taken three months to reach number of one million devices sold.

A result which LG achieved with the LG Arena mobile phone will crown this mobile to the best selling mobile phones with a touchscreen of all the time. Apple was the first which sold one million iPhone 3G in only three days of sales and in three months it has sold over three million. [via Hardist.com]

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