
By Detector | 12 February 2010

If you are on a revolutionary mood, wait for at least two years, when Microsoft plans to release new versions of Windows. According to MSDN blog (the article is currently removed) the next version of Windows will be something “revolutionary” and completely different from any other Windows released so far. On the new Windows development concept works already dozen teams and the new structure will be based on the requirements of end users and their needs.

“Exchanging ideas reflects what people have been looking for years and it will change the way people think about computers and the way they use them. This is the future of PC …”

Unfortunately, what will be the future and what are the real changes – it is not specified. Although the text is removed from the blog, you can read the full article from the Google cache, here.

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One Response to “Revolutionary”

  1. Gurkan says:

    The Cisco team has been working closely with Microsoft to prepare for the late 2009 introduction of Windows 7 in order to ensure continued network connectivity and device discovery for the Linksys by Cisco line of products.


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