Set up Thunderbird to place your replies above quotes

By Detector | 20 April 2010

If you are using Thunderbird as your mail client, when you set up account the default settings for replay mail are – set the message below the quote or replayed mail. That’s strange because when you receive a new mail you expect the new message to be shown in top of the mail. Also, the signature must be below your reply not at bottom of all content. A friend of mine shares this useful tutorial how to set up the replay message above all content:

  1. Go to Tools -> Account Settings -> Select your account -> Select Composition & Addressing
  2. In composition field, if is not checked – Check “automatically quote the original message when replaying” and after that choose:
  3. “start my reply above the quote”, and place my signature “below my reply (above the quote)”

Click ok and you are done. Now when you replay your mail, your message will be setup on the very first line.

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One Response to “Set up Thunderbird to place your replies above quotes”

  1. Stog.noice says:

    thanks for the tip, interesting site you have


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