YouTube goes Live

By Detector | 15 September 2010

YouTube, the online video sharing site is experimenting with the live video streaming platform. The test is limited to a certain number of users which is a two-day pilot project ending Tuesday.

Official YouTube authorities reported: This new platform integrates live streaming directly into YouTube channels, all broadcasters need is a webcam or external USB/FireWire camera. Included in the test is a ‘Live Comments’ module which lets you engage with the broadcaster and the broader YouTube community.

After the test period is over, Google can distribute pay-per-view content through YouTube. This might not be something new for the public as Google delivered live video streaming showing live events of President Barack Obama’s Address, a U2 concert, Indian Cricket Matches and much more. There is already live stream competition in form of Ustream, and Livestream, so YouTube need to be a little more innovative to win the live streaming market. A total of 178 Million U.S Internet users watched online videos for an average of 14.7 hours per user, which YouTube is on the top, seconded by Yahoo and Facebook.

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