9 Inventive Ways to Overcome Office Boredom

By Detector | 23 November 2010

Boredom is a difficult condition to understand, buts its effects on your life and on your career are real. The lack of interest in your job and the difficulty you have concentrating on your work can result in serious performance issues over time and can also affect your relationships. Here you will find 9 inventive ways to overcome office boredom so that you can get yourself out of this dangerous frame of mind and back into the business of building a great career.

1. Understand the underlying causes of your boredom

You could be bored because you are doing the same things over and over again, causing you to lack interest. You might be physically tired and thus you are unable to focus on what you are doing. Boredom could even result from anger which is diverting your energy away from constructive activity. Think about why you are bored and you will be more likely to take timely corrective action.

2. Take some time to laugh

Take time to act funny, draw a picture, build a paper village , or take part in a host of diversionary activities (preferably with coworkers) to get your mind into a different gear. Sometimes a good laugh or a creative act is what your mind needs to jump out of a rut and into productive activity. If you and others create anything notably wacky or clever, take photos and videos and share them on Facebook.

3. Check up on acquaintances

You have totally lost interest in what you are doing, yet you know that the work will not go away until it is completed. To combat the tedious nature of your work, leave your desk and go visit a coworker you haven’t talked to for a while. You’ll re-engage your mind and you might even help someone else get over their own boredom.

4. Get some mental stimulation

Let’s face it, sometimes work is just boring. There doesn’t seem to be enough work to do and the things which you have to do require no skill. Find some ways to engage and challenge your mind. For example, you could write down your tasks and make it a game to see how many you can cross off during the day or during an hour. If you find your boredom is really problematic, volunteer to take on some new work that isn’t part of your job description.

5. Take some time to surf

Boredom and the Internet are not always a good combination, but you can do some things online that redirect your mind away from misery toward something more fulfilling. For example, you can visit AnimalRescueSite.com or a number of other daily click sites that will earn money for good causes from your visits.

6. Develop and demonstrate some new skills

If you are preparing a report, learn new ways to add charts and tables, or format it so it looks more exciting than the data it contains. Add a new signature to your email messages or solve a nagging productivity problem by writing a simple computer program. Finding ways to improve your work and make it more interesting is a proactive way to make boredom work for you.

7. Give a friend or coworker a call

If your work is boring you to death, why not check to see what someone else is doing? By taking an interest in someone else’s work you reactivate your mind and you build a relationship.

8. Get creative with office supplies

Try not to render supplies useless or you will get in trouble for wasting resources. Still you can build villages or buildings with office supplies, or just create geometric structures that will inspire awe in the minds of your coworkers. Accomplishing great engineering feats will give you a sense of pride and accomplishment that will help get your mind ready to work again.

9. Engage in personal development

A good way to combat boredom is to set aside a few minutes for personal development. Visualize yourself after reaching your career goals. See your family after accomplishing major goals in life. Remind yourself of your purpose in life and remember that the boring tasks at hand are a necessary step on your pathway to success.

These 9 inventive ways to overcome office boredom will help you take a renewed interest in your work and create new skills for overcoming a very common and unprofitable mental state so you can get on with your life and with your career.

John Brooks reviews office supplies and presentation supplies for Office Kitten.

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One Response to “9 Inventive Ways to Overcome Office Boredom”

  1. Robert says:

    I am always a fan of the “take some time to surf” one :D

    It really can help too and is not ONLY about wasting time, well for me anyway. I like taking a break to work on new projects too, which is another one you mention. I think it can be nice to get that little diversion, but without loosing productivity.


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