Facebook Memorable Stories

By Detector | 13 January 2011

Facebook is reportedly testing out a “Memorable Stories” application that collects users status updates from the past year and give you a text retrospective of your own thoughts.

According to selected users who have been seen the application popping up on their profiles, the feature shows up as a sidebar when you view a specific post. Instead of ordering the stories in chronological order, users are given a seemingly random anthology of updates. You’re also able to eliminate entries you don’t want to read or to be seen by another.

Facebook recently introduced its “Photo Memories” application, which was received with some criticism. After users complained about being shown photos of their ex, Facebook decided to filter all pictures between users that had previously been listed as in a relationship with. It’s safe to say this new feature will be implemented on Memorable Stories also.

Until Memorable Stories are shown on your profile, you can see how it will look like on the right picture.

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