Google Translate app for Android

By Detector | 14 January 2011

Google has released an update for the Google Translate app for Android. Translate for Android has several updates for improved interaction, better dropdown boxes for selecting the language, an improved input box, and cleaner icons and layout. There is an introduction of experimental feature that’s still in its earliest stages – Conversation Mode. This is a new interface within Google Translate that’s optimized to allow you to communicate fluidly with a nearby person in another language (real-time translation between conversations) like on picture below.

This will allow people who speak different languages, to have a chat conversation with the Android phone with simultaneous translation. It will be very useful for travelers, business meetings, meet new social friends and speak natively with them..

According from Google blog – “Currently, you can only use Conversation Mode when translating between English and Spanish. In conversation mode, simply press the microphone for your language and start speaking. Google Translate will translate your speech and read the translation out loud. Your conversation partner can then respond in their language, and you’ll hear the translation spoken back to you. Because this technology is still in alpha, factors like regional accents, background noise or rapid speech may make it difficult to understand what you’re saying. Even with these caveats, we’re excited about the future promise of this technology to be able to help people connect across languages.”

You can download the application, by searching for “Google Translate” in Android Market or by scanning the QR Code below.

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