How to Move Your Facebook Photos To Google Plus (Google+)

By Detector | 11 July 2011

If you are Moving from Facebook to Google+ you should move also all your photos and albums from Facebook to Google+. For that purpose you can use Fotolink Facebook app which allows you to move your Facebook Photo Albums to Google+ Picasa Albums. Here is few steps in prder to show you how to move your Gacebook photos to Google+ picasa albums:

  1. Visit the Fotolink Facebook App page here and click “Go to App”
  2. You are now on the App page and can see all the Facebook Photo Albums on the left side of the app.
  3. Click the “Photo Accounts tab” above.
  4. Select the Picasa Service from there and Login with Your Picasa ID.
  5. You can see your Picasa Albums on the left side of the app.
  6. Select the Albums from Facebook Tan and Paste them to your Picasa Account.
  7. You can see all you albums in Google+ Picasa Album.

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2 Responses to “How to Move Your Facebook Photos To Google Plus (Google+)”

  1. That’s helpful tip. Thanks for sharing

  2. Album says:

    Now Fotolink supports creating albums in Picasa from inside Fotolink. The company behind Fotolink (Primadesk) now has an iPhone app that lets you copy photos from anywhere (including pictures on the phone) to Picasa try it out at


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